Monday, August 31, 2009

Doin' Good

Hey guys, I haven't blogged in a while but it's because I've been very busy, trying to walk. Right now I can walk around my entire house with out my crutches. And at school I walk to my classes without them. I still go to Physical Therapy but It's getting a lot better. The first week of school has gone and I have made some new really great friends. My teachers have been getting a little more harsh but It's not to bad. My dancing career looks good from here as long as I keep doing my exercises. My friends first volleyball game and (Of course) the kicked butt. Unfortunately I had to miss out on all the excitement because of P.T. Well that's OK because why they were having fun beating the other team, I was learning how to walk.


  1. U R a Warrior!!! Keep Fighting, then I will come see you dance some day. I miss UUUUUUUUUU

  2. I miss u too. And I can't wait to see you in the crowd.
