Monday, August 31, 2009
Doin' Good
Hey guys, I haven't blogged in a while but it's because I've been very busy, trying to walk. Right now I can walk around my entire house with out my crutches. And at school I walk to my classes without them. I still go to Physical Therapy but It's getting a lot better. The first week of school has gone and I have made some new really great friends. My teachers have been getting a little more harsh but It's not to bad. My dancing career looks good from here as long as I keep doing my exercises. My friends first volleyball game and (Of course) the kicked butt. Unfortunately I had to miss out on all the excitement because of P.T. Well that's OK because why they were having fun beating the other team, I was learning how to walk.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
OK I thought my first day of school would be a lot harder. But it wasn't, it was just hard. The getting around was OK but then came the teachers. Most of them weren't so bad but Latin...O and don't even make me go into History. All in all it was a pretty nice first day. I have a lot of small homework and I'm afraid I'm not going to remember all the things I need for each class. Plus I have bring things from home to "Express" myself. Any ways I got to go do homework.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A New School Year :)
Hey to all you bloggers out there, today I went to school for the second day and it was FREEZING. At my school we have this thing called Boot Camp. And when you get to 7th grade you spend two days getting to know people and finding your locker. I had a lot of fun but I couldn't do a lot. Well tomorrow is my first real day of school and I have Latin first. Great.... I hate Latin. Anyways, please be praying for me as I ease into this new environment.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Now What?
Hey guys, I got my cast on Monday and I thought my life would get a lot easier but it didn't. I have to wait 4 weeks till I can do any running, dancing, climbing, exc. Also I have to go to Physical Therapy like 2 to 3 times a week for 6 weeks. This my friends means I cant do any school activities, and school starts on Monday. No running, No P.E, No school sports and No dancing. I hope this time the 6 weeks will go by faster. But I don't need to forget the good stuff. I got to go swimming and we went to Elitches on Tuesday. Its going to get better. But please be praying for me.
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally, the day has come. As you probity guessed I got my cast off. It was the best day of my life. But on the other hand it was also the grosses day in my life. As the nurse took it off I could see how disgusting my leg really was. There was dead skin everywhere. My foot was completely white. and the scar.... Never mind. Anyway after we got done at the Hospital me and my mom went through Chick-fil-a (My favorite place to go). And then went to the Wal-Mart and got pedicures. I sat down in the chair to
ok off my brace and soaked my feet. It felt great but when I took my leg out of the water the lady gaged. I was so embarrassed. Then we went home and I got ready for a great dinner at Red Robbin. I was so happy when we got home that I could not fall asleep. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
What is a True Friend?

A true friend is someone special, they are warm and tender. A true friend is always by your side, if only in your thoughts. A true friend is there for you willingly. A true friend is someone who listens and hears what you have to say. A true friend is never judgemental, and walks with you through the toughest times. A true friend will love you always, in them you can confide. A true friend will greet you lovingly, with opens arms. A true friend you cherish dearly, feeling grateful for their love. A true friend is very special, a blessing from above. A true friend will feel your presence, whether near or far.

I wrote this poem for all my true friends out there. I love you and I will always stay by your side.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
My Little Eli

Today had one of those amazing life touching moments. My little Elias really opened up to me. I got to play on the swings with him and take him for a walk. This my friends is really exciting. Unfortunately I will most likely not remember it in a few weeks, or days. But the good news is that in just nine days I get this gross, disgusting, itchy cast off. Hip-Hip-Hurray! I am so excited. I'm like way beyond excited. I can NOT wait! Well tonight is ''family movie night'' so its time to turn in.
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